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Players Registered aka Guys with balls to play this Tournament

#1 - Skyline - 22yo - Portuguese - "Lets see how I go!"

#2 - PoWeR* - 19yo - Belgian - "Nobody can stop me"

#3 - Milton - 23yo - Portuguese - "winner ofc"

#4 - Sukh - 20yo  - Indian/German - "I'll take the cup ^^"

#5 - BoRn2FuCk - 14yo - Indian/German - "I'm the KinG"

#6 - V3ndetta - 22yo - Italian - "They are scared to fight me by 1on1"

#7 - Lofas - 20yo - Czech Republic - "I can only surprise!"


#8 - lumair - 17yo - Czech Republic - "I am not going to be last! :D"

#9 - mEGA - 17yo - Portuguese - "The Cycle of Life continues: I will live, and you will die."

#10 - Marcel - 17yo - Czech Republic - "I will kill all bitches. :D"


#11 - SOD - 15yo - Slovakia - "Veni vidi vici"

#12 - Bill - 20yo - Czech Republic - "Yes :)"


#13 - Veloso - 16yo - Portugal - "Until the end! ;)"

#14 - Potti - 17yo - German - "As far as it can be"

#15 - Baz|Ko - 16yo - Portuguese - "Ready to run? Cuz I'll rush!"

#16 - Shr3k - 17yo - Finlandese - "Buy power of weed"























CHASER 1on1 Royal Tournament

You can arrange your games with your opponent here

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